It’s back to school time! And among other routines there is prepping lunchboxes… braces friendly lunches. Eating hard or sticky foods can cause unnecessary pain or broken brackets.
Here are a few ideas what your kids can eat at school and not breaking any brackets:
- macaroni-and-cheese
- Banana slices
- Grape halves
- Canned peaches or pears, fruit cocktail and Mandarin orange slices
- Thin carrot-curls made with a scraper, plus a small container of grated cheese or
hummus, with torn-up fresh pita bread for scooping - Individual pudding and yogurt cups
And here are a few examples of foods to avoid while having braces:
Apples or Carrots (unless cooked or cut into small pieces)
Ice – Do not chew on ice!
Corn on the Cob
Hard Candy
Peanut Brittle
Hard Pretzels
Pizza Crust
You can find braces friendly recipes on our Pinterest page.
If you have any questions about what you should and should not eat with braces please give us a call at (847)-253-2300.